Sunday, November 6, 1960
November 6, 1960
With two days to go before the election, JFK is scheduled to be at the Toledo airport. He is met there by three carloads of students from the University of Michigan.
They bear hundreds of signatures on a pledge for service that was partly in response to his crowd questions and exhortation in a three minute speech given three weeks earlier on the steps of the Union Building in Ann Arbor.
Amongst the students meeting him in Toledo were University of Michigan graduate students Alan and Judy Guskin, who spear-headed the organizing effort.
Of the airport meeting, Judy Guskin recalled,
“He took (the petitions) in his hands and started looking through the names. He was very interested.”
Alan Guskin recalled the following exchange,
“Are you really serious about the Peace Corps?”
Kennedy responded,
“Until Tuesday, we’ll worry about this nation. After Tuesday, the world.”
[, James Tobin]