Monday, March 17, 1958
March 17, 1958
JFK was in Boston and spent part of his St. Patrick’s Day Monday morning in appointments at his apartmen at 122 Bowdoin Street. He met with attorney Eddie F. McLaughlin, Jr. at 10 am, Bob Edwards of the United States Customs Service at 10:30 am, and Harold B. Willis, Jr., of Weston, Massachusetts to discuss the southern states at 10:45 am.
In the next hour JFK met with Coleman Bornstein and Marino Mattarasso who was the representative of Local 348 of the Bakery and Confectionary Workers.
Before lunch he was also photographed by Jim Fitzgerald with Lou Smith, Massachusetts Governor Paul A. Dever, Otis Whitney, Charles Mulcahy, Claude Cross, and Mrs. Jacob Furman for the National Multiple Sclerosis Foundation. He was also photographed with Annapolis appointee Salvatore Martinelli and had his picture taken for an issue of the Prudential Insurance Company magazine.
He finished his morning with a photograph taken by George Gillis for publicity use by the Barbershop Harmony Group Jamboree that include Knights of Columbus members Joseph Dempsey and Jim Norton.
After a break for lunch, JFK then traveled to Andrew Square in South Boston to take part in the Evacuation Day (St. Patrick’s Day) Parade.
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