Sunday, August 20, 1939
JFK was in Berlin and wrote to his pal Lem Billlings about his travels through Germany and thoughts about his upcoming return to the States,
…. left Cannes about a week ago and have been traveling thru Germany every since. Ran into Butler and Lippit in Munich as well as Big Eddie Hobler – who is the same stupid-looking farmer he’s always been.
As I see he is the toast of “our” class it makes me feel quite proud to be a classmate. I suppose m picture appeared in that album with a big blank space and that everybody looking thru it probably said ‘that just goes to show you how big Princeton -I never saw that son-of-a-bitch before,’ “
I’m getting back the 13th on the Manhattan + I thought I would go up to the Cape for awhile or maybe go South [sic] to Charlotte, etc. In which case I would drop in to see you.. However, if you can + try to make the Cape… although I suppose those days are over.
[3, p. 271]