JFK started the day at Glen Ora, before traveling to Massachusetts to help out with campaigning on behalf of his brother Ted’s Senate campaign. [451,…
The Life of John F. Kennedy
JFK started the day at Glen Ora, before traveling to Massachusetts to help out with campaigning on behalf of his brother Ted’s Senate campaign. [451,…
JFK was swimming laps at the pool at Glen Ora, when he took a break to peruse the first edition of the newly conceived Presidential…
JFK was at Glen Ora hosting Chuck Spalding and Ben and Tony Bradlee. He confided in Spalding about the upcoming invasion of Cuba and appeared…
JFK returns alone by limousine to Washington, D.C. from his rented country estate Glen Ora.
Sunday JFK and Jackie weekend in their rented Virginia countryside estate Glen Ora with their children Caroline and John, Jr. They attend the noon mass at…